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Check out new Easy Insight screencasts for updated training on a variety of areas.

New Videos and Documentation

We've added several new videos and updated documentation for a number of topics:

  • Cin7 Core Prebuilt Reports -- walkthrough of the latest Cin7 Core prebuilt dashboard and reports in Easy Insight.
  • Cin7 Core Custom Reports -- walkthrough of the latest Cin7 Core prebuilt dashboard and reports in Easy Insight.
  • Profit Reporting -- getting a true view of profit from the different systems in your business.
  • Extending Inventory Data -- adding fields from your e-commerce channels to youe inventory management reports and adding shipping costs to your inventory management reports.
  • Text Scripting -- using text functions for combining text, looking for certain text, replacing text, and more in your scripted fields.
  • Editable Custom Fields -- adding editable custom fields such as dropdowns, text inputs, and checkboxes to your other data sources.
  • Trend Grids -- building trend grids in Easy Insight.
  • Field Aliases -- using field aliases to rename fields on your data sources without breaking calculations.
  • Field Documentation -- setting up inline field documentation on your reports to keep users clear about what they're seeing.

Cin7 Core Prebuilt Dashboard Updates

We've updated our Cin7 Core prebuilt dashboard with a variety of improvements, including better margin reports, new sales trend reports, better stock movement reports, and much, much more!

Cin7 Omni Fields

We've added stock movements on sales to Cin7 Omni so that you can report on batches and serial numbers that were shipped out to customers. We've also added custom fields to sales orders.

Faire Integration

We've added a new connection to Faire to help you with your wholesale reporting, tracking fees for Faire sales, making sure products line up between Faire and your inventory system, and more.

Order Time Custom Fields

We've added custom fields to our Order Time integration so that you can report on your customer, order, and item custom fields.

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