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Drillthrough Updates, Integrations, Last Refresh Date on Dashboard, and more!

UI Tweaks

We're in the process of making a number of UI enhancements to clean up various screens. For example, we've updated the field editor to a cleaner format with a better use of screen real estate and we've updated the Group configuration screen to a cleaner layout.

Recommended Fields and Field Aliases

We've added the option to filter down to recommended fields to more parts of the interface. Most places where you can select a field now enable you to toggle between recommended and all fields. For example, when creating a custom field, you can now toggle between the options:

Field Editor Toggle

We've updated the recommended fields, field aliases, and folder aliases on prebuilt templates for new connection installations to help improve user experience. Some particular changes of note:

  • For Asana, Asana Project Extras have been merged into the Projects folder and Asana Task Extras have been merged into the Tasks folder
  • For Basecamp, Todo Calculations have been merged into the Todos folder
  • For Cin7 Core, Invoice/CR Lines now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Cin7 Omni, Sales/CR Lines now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Finale Inventory, Line Fields now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Freshdesk, Ticket Calculations have been merged into the Tickets folder
  • For inFlow Inventory, Line Fields now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Katana, COGS Fields have been merged into the Sales Order Lines folder
  • For OrderTime Inventory, Line Fields now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Unleashed, Sales/CR Fields now shows as Revenue and COGS Details
  • For Teamwork, Teamwork Project Extras has been merged into the Projecgts folder, Teamwork Task Extras has been merged into the Task folder, and Time Entry Calculations have been merged into the Time Tracking folder/li>
  • For Zendesk, Ticket Calculations have been merged into the Tickets folder

If you want to set up your own folder aliases in the same way, you can go to the Additional Sources section under Configuration for a data source. In the Folder Alias section of the source table, you can make your own changes to a folder name to something that makes the most sense for you.

Folder Alias Configuration

E-Commerce History

If you're starting a new inventory management implementation, you can now pull in your sales history from e-commerce channels to get up and running with trend and forecasting right out of the gate:

E-Commerce and IMS History Trend

For more information, see the following for each inventory system:

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