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Drillthrough Updates, Integrations, Last Refresh Date on Dashboard, and more!

Drillthrough Updates

Drillthrough Dashboard

We've updated the drillthroughs on many of the prebuilt templates to help you better dig into your data. With these updates, you not only see the usual detail information, but can also quickly dig into trends in the data:

For more information on these drillthroughs, see Advanced Drillthroughs. If you need help in getting your templates updated to these drillthroughs, please reach out to us and let us know!

Last Refresh Date on Dashboards

You can now display the last refresh date in the upper right corner of dashboards to help users know when the data was last pulled for the data source:

Dashboard Last Refresh Date

For more information on this option as well as other dashboard configuration options, see Dashboard Options.

Inventory Integrations

We've added options to quickly integrate order, inventory, and product data from channels and invoice data from accounting systems back to your inventory connections. These options help you with things like:

  • Adding URL links from contacts in your inventory system to the matching contact in your CRM
  • Adding URL links from orders in your inventory system to the order in the e-commerce channel
  • Adding URL Links from products in your inventory system to the product in the e-commerce channel
  • Adding URL links from invoices in your inventory system to the invoice in the accounting system
  • Making the Amazon ASIN available as a field in your inventory system
  • Making the Shopify order tags available as fields in your inventory system
  • Comparing the list price of products between your inventory price and the prices listed on your e-commerce channels
  • Comparing inventory on hand counts between your inventory system and your e-commerce channels

For information on how to integrate this data, see Inventory Integrations.

Preserve Filters in View

We've added a new option for preserving filters on the View of a report. With this setting, if a user changes a filter on a report in the View or on a dashboard, the filter will keep that selection when the user later reloads the report or dashboard. For more information on this setting, see Report Options.

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