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Favorite Reports, Date Filter Changes, Finale Inventory and Loop Returns, and Quick Stock Reports

We've made it easier to favorite reports, improved date filters, reworked our Finale Inventory integration, added a connection to Loop Returns, and added an option for real time stock retrieval on your reports.

Favorite Reports

You can now set reports and dashboards as top reports and dashboards directly from the report screen by clicking on the 'Move' button next to their names and choosing 'Favorite as Top report'. You can also see Top Reports and Dashboards in their own section of the report list for clarity:
Favorite Report

Date Filter Changes

We've made several changes to absolute date filters to make them easier to use. You can now easily set a default rolling date range, toggle start and end dates off, and adjust both dates before running the report:
Date Filter Updates

Finale Inventory Rework

We've overhauled the Finale Inventory integration after some help from the Finale Inventory team. The updated integration pulls over everything you'll need, including sales, purchases, stock, product lookups, and builds, and has a prebuilt dashboard to get you up and running:
Finale Inventory Dashboard

Loop Returns Integration

We've added a new integration to Loop Returns to help you pull over your return data for combination with your other e-commerce reporting.

Quick Stock Reports

For reports on systems that track stock information, you can now configure near real time stock data refreshes to help ensure accuracy when doing replenishment planning. This functionality is supported for the following connections:
Cin7 Core
Cin7 Omni
Finale Inventory
Order Time Inventory
SOS Inventory
Unleashed Inventory
You can now enable the stock data refresh by going to Configuration -> Report Properties -> Report Processing and checking the 'Real Time Stock Report' option:
Real Time Stock
When the report runs, it'll automatically refresh the stock data without needing to run a full refresh that might take 30+ minutes for larger data sources.
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