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Simple Goals, Trend Charts, Order Time and GA4 Connections, and more!

For this month, we've added simple goals, a new trend chart report type, connections to Order Time and Google Analytics 4, and more!

Simple Goals

We've added simple goals as a quick way for you to set up and compare against monthly goals directly from your reports, without any additional configuration. You can configure goals directly from a dashboard:
Goal Configuration Start
And immediately see the results shown on a variety of report types:
Trend Chart Goal Demo
Month over Month Goal Demo
For more information, see Goal Configuration.

Trend Charts

We've added a new Trend Chart report type to help easily show the combination of a big number total and a chart. This report type is particularly intended for dashboards where you want to show multiple measures on a single page:
Trend Charts
Or when you want to use a dashboard repeater and show a chart for each sales rep, each product category, each task assignee, each agent, and so on:
Repeated Trend Chart
For more information on trend charts, see Trend Charts.

Connection to Order Time Inventory

We've added a new integration to Order Time Inventory to help you forecast inventory demand, create sales commission reports, and more! To learn more, see Order Time Inventory.

GA4 Connection

We've added a new connection for Google Analytics 4 to enable your marketing reporting as you migrate over from Universal Analytics to GA4.

Hubspot Quotes

We've added Hubspot Quotes to the Hubspot connection, as well as dramatically improved the load time for deal lines and quote lines.
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