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Katana Purchase Orders, Auto Combined Dashboard Changes, and More Fields!

We've improved our auto combined dashboard for e-commerce and inventory fulfillment, we've added purchase orders to Katana, we've added field to other connections, and more!

Auto Combined Dashboard Improvements

If you're using a combination of marketing, CRM, e-commerce, inventory fulfillment, shipping, and/or accounting, we've made a huge range of improvements to our auto combined dashboard for these systems.
First, when you create the dashboard, Easy Insight will automatically match up data between systems wherever possible. For example, if you have multiple Shopify stores feeding into a single DEAR or LOCATE, it will analyze your data to figure out how to appropriately map the data between the systems.
Once mapped, the Orders section of the dashboard includes multiple new tabs. The first section includes automatically generated metrics covering everything from customer acquisition cost, gross margin, and annual retention rate to average lifetime value and average days from invoice to cash:
Auto Dashboard Sales
You can click on any of these metrics to jump into historical charts showing progress on those metrics:
Auto Dashboard Sales
In general, we've tried to set everything up in the auto combined dashboard to have a rich mix of drillthroughs, enabling you to easily explore orders, invoices products, and customers.
We'll have more about goals in our update next week, but we've integrated automatic goals with the dashboard as well. Easy Insight automatically creates a goal for every automatically generated metric:
Goal Trends
Stay tuned for plenty more on this next week!

Katana Purchase Orders

We've added purchase orders to the Katana connections. You can report on your completed or incoming purchase orders, track incoming quantities per SKU, look at expected vs. actual delivery time, and more!

DEAR Manufacturing Data

We've added reporting for the DEAR manufacturing module. This data includes facilities, resources, production orders, and production BOMs. You can look at cycle times, project raw product usage in your builds, and more!


We've added a number of new fields to the LOCATE connection. We've added sales and contact notes, we've added vendor parts, and we've added reconcile types.

QuickBooks Online Fields

We've added item SKU and we've added a new profit and loss data folder summarizing the monthly product and loss report contents per account from your QuickBooks Online data.

Shopify Fields

We've added discount code applications and order refund data to the Shopify connection.
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